Thursday, June 28, 2012

Earth Day 2012: Work Greener with Infolinks

Earth Day 2012: Work Greener with Infolinks

It’s time to hug a tree, kiss the ground and go green with Infolinks for Earth Day. We must appreciate this lush planet of ours and challenge each other to keep it just as majestic for generations to come. Hopefully you already practice energy conservation and recycling, but what about at the workplace? Whether you work from home or in a tall office building, join the Infolinks Team in making a change for Earth Day 2012.
We have decided to do our part for the green movement this year, by making a few pledges to cut down where possible on waste and pollution in our everyday work routine. These changes aren’t particularly difficult, yet make a big difference over time. We encourage you to join us this year and take the Infolinks Earth Day Pledge.
1)      Infolinks goes paperless! Since we are an online company, this isn’t too hard. But as a company, we’re making the effort to print work materials only when absolutely necessary. Not a hard transition to make in the age of iPads and other fun, portable tablets.
2)      Bring your own mug. Using disposable paper and plastic products in an office of 50 people can quickly create a lot of unnecessary waste. To help cut back, Infolinks is challenging employees to bring their own mugs to work for morning coffee.
3)      Car pool or bus it. Infolinkers who are able to use public transportation to arrive at the office have pledged to use this eco-friendly option at least twice a week. A few have even chosen the greenest transportation of all – biking to work!
4)      Save the electric bill. Not only is this tip eco-friendly, it’s also budget friendly. By simply keeping unnecessary lights turned off, and computers shut down and unplugged after the workday, the Infolinks team is being kind to the Earth and the electric bill.
5)      Shine your light. By replacing the light bulbs in the office with energy saving bulbs, not only has Infolinks cut energy waste, but also (again) helped save money on the light bill.
Now we want to challenge our entire Infolinks family to adopt one or all of the points above for the Infolinks Earth Day Pledge. Maybe bike to work, go paperless or unplug your computer at the end of the day. However you choose to love the  Earth today, share with us and your own network. Post your Infolinks Earth Day Pledge on Facebook or Tweet using the hashtag: #InfolinksEarthDay.
Example Tweet: “I pledge to go paperless in 2012 #InfolinksEarthDay
We leave you with one of our favorite quotes. Carry it with you in 2012 to make a real change.
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
- Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

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